
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The daily card, week 25

I'm still on track with making a card every day, though posting has definitely gotten lax. It reminds me of what Jess Lively calls a "linchpin habit" - a habit you need to put in place to make other changes stick.  For posting cards, it's taking the photos. Between traveling on the weekends, hitting the garden during the week, and icky weather (what feels like) whenever I'm home, I have been short on natural light for taking pictures - though really, I'm also just out of the photo-taking habit. Trying to get better about that so I'm not scrambling when Wednesday rolls around.

It's the same thing with Bar Method. Last week, I started going back to morning class after an almost-three-month freeze when I was traveling (and then just being lazy). And it's only sort of an exaggeration to say that now the rest of my life makes sense again. When I wasn't going to Bar, I struggled to get out of bed and would roll into work late, stopping for a scone on the way in, and feeling a bit sluggish and behind all day and then not really feeling tired at night. Once I force myself to drag myself out of bed for a 7:30 class, everything else falls into place. Morning exercise is totally my linchpin habit for getting to work on time and eating a healthy breakfast and getting started on a productive day.

But moving on. I was sick most of this week, so instead of making multiple cards bemoaning my sorry physical state I played around with some simple summery patterns. And then, of course, the SCOTUS decision had me seeing rainbows.

As a creative challenge, I am decorating a playing card every day in 2015. More context on this project is here and you can see all past card posts here.

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