
Friday, January 30, 2015

Best of 2014, part three

When I started this exercise, I thought this had been a same-old, same-old kind of year - not good or bad, just nothing incredibly exciting. I didn't get engaged or married or go through a dramatic breakup, I didn't change jobs or start a new degree or move across the country, I didn't check any new countries off my personal map. I did move apartments but really, I seem to do that every year. And I got burglarized, but I would prefer to forget that.

But picking out favorites reminded me of all the magic 2014 really held. If nothing else, this was a year of beauty and adventure and new experiences. Not to mention a marathon election observation experience in Tunisia, trips to New Orleans, Seattle, Pittsburgh, and Southern California, fun with friends, another summer of gardening, new creative passions, and sustainable exercise routines. I came away so grateful for the year that's passed and so excited to fill 2015 with even more good stuff. 

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